All scientific data you need in the
fight against COVID-19

The world's first comparison portal for COVID-19

Our revolutionary COVID-19 Portal enables the comparison of different vaccines, treatments and diagnostics across all phases of the R&D process.


– The first comparison portal for treatments of COVID-19, based on clinical and preclinical data
– Objective ranking of results (typical of comparison portals) instead of countless individual opinions
– Better than any other solution worldwide (be it AI or databases)
– Ready to use for decisions: no additional efforts needed for data compilation
– Based on more than 13 years of experience in scientific literature assessment
– Leading experts & companies already work with us

What distinguishes us

Smart Decisions

Smart Report

High quality approach

Comparison Portal
Expert Opinion Databank AI-driven Service
Only relevant data & connections +++ ++ ++ +
Transparency of results +++ ++ ++ +
Readiness for Decision Making +++ ++ + +


Only relevant data & connections
L &C Comparison Portal Expert Opinion Databank AI-driven Services
+++ ++ ++ +
Transparency of results
L &C Comparison Portal Expert Opinion Databank AI-driven Services
+++ ++ ++ +
Readiness for decision making
L &C Comparison Portal Expert Opinion Databank AI-driven Services
+++ ++ + +

Potential customers

Pharma & Medtech

Scientific institutions &


PD Dr. Johannes Lampe

PD Dr. Johannes Lampe is the founder and sole owner of Lampe & Company, established in 2007. He has profound experience in clinical drug development, covering a broad range of pharmaceuticals, including small molecules, therapeutic proteins and gene therapy. His career is underpinned by a strong research background in virology, oncology and neurology. PD Dr. Lampe is a certified neurologist and lecturer in clinical neurology.

Our team consists of data analysts with profound medical and life sciences background.